Tuesday, October 18, 2005


If I wrote a poem
Would any body care?

If I wrote a poem
Would you still be there?

If I wrote a poem
A sixpence for your thoughts.

If I wrote a poem
Bien sur, avec beaucoup bon mots.

If I wrote a poem
Your love would I save?

If I wrote a poem
I'd write it on your grave.

(Whistles, walks away into the sunset.)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Actually the emails are now secondary to the DnD blog family. But Dave, you should really get in on the dearestjessica action while the getting's good. Those shares are HOT.

So, uh, how's it going?

Welcome welcome!

I've set this blog up mostly to purchase shares for it on www.blogshares.com - but perhaps it will grow to be the venue for our geeky pursuits. I doubt it will displace the emails as our primary means of communicating, though.